Felicity Robertson Nampitjinpa
Felicity Robertson Nampitjinpa is a talented artist from Yuendumu, 293 km northwest of Alice Springs on the Tanami Track. Yuendumu is a remote community largely made up of the Warlpiri and Anmatyerr people.
Felicity is the daughter of the world famous artist Shorty Robertson Jangala. Like her father, Felicity paints the story of water dreaming (Ngapa Jukurrpa) called “Puyurru” or “Soakage”, based on the large soakage sites and clay pans in her country.
Felicity’s intricate dot work and use of a bright and bold colour palette, make her works contemporary statement pieces of Aboriginal Art. In following in her father’s footsteps, Felicity is on track to be one of Australia’s most collectable Indigenous artists.
In support of this, Felicity in 2017 was named a finalist in the For Arts Sake art prize endorsed by Participate Australia.
In addition, Felicity’s amazing ‘Puyurru’ artwork entered into the prestigious 2017 Wynne Prize, has been selected to be exhibited in the Salon des Refusés at the S.H. Ervin Gallery in Sydney.
Felicity’s “Puyurru” was also an exhibited finalist in the 2017 and 2018 Mosman Art Prize.